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by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
Protecting Your Sight: Insights on Eye Injury Prevention from an Eye Surgeon
As an eye surgeon, I have seen firsthand how critical eye protection is. October was Eye Injury Prevention Month, an important reminder...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
Cataract Awareness Month: Why Early Detection is Crucial
Around age 40, the proteins in the lens of your eye start to break down and clump together. We call this a Cataract
by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
Understanding Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
The month of February is Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month. Let's delve into this progressive eye condition...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
2 min read
Understanding Uveitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options
Have you ever heard of uveitis? If not, you're not alone. Uveitis is a relatively unknown eye condition, yet it affects thousands of people
by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
Blepharitis and Tender Loving Self-Care
The oil glands in your eyes make the oil in your tears. Tears are made up of oil, fat and water. These oils can get trapped, causing the...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
Piecing together the Pterygium Puzzle
Do you ever, every now and then, look into your bathroom mirror and get “up close and personal” with your eyes? Surely it is not only...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
5 min read
Our Team at Dr. Zoran Aleksic
Today’s blog is all about my team, some of whom work tirelessly behind the scenes and other who serve as the front of house, as friendly...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
2 min read
The Evolution of LASIK
The field of eye surgery has advanced greatly over the past few decades. It is hard to imagine a world where I would not be able to offer my
by Dr. Z Aleksic
5 min read
Taking the muddles out of Multifocal Lens Surgery
This week’s focus is Multifocal Lens Surgery. Cataract surgery is performed on patients who do not see well due to cataract development...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
4 min read
Clarifying Your Cataract Conundrums
For this blog I decided to take Google by storm and search for the general public’s top cataract questions. I must, say, I was not surprised
by Dr. Z Aleksic
4 min read
Laser Refractive Eye Surgery
When it comes to eye procedures, I think the first one that often comes to mind is LASIK, which is Laser Refractive Eye Surgery.
by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
The Thought Behind Our Treatment Rooms in Sea Point
Our state-of-the-art treatment centre is devoted to creating a premier eye surgery experience in Sea Point through cutting-edge technology
by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
Catching On To Keratoconus
The name ‘Keratoconus,’ probably because of its Greek derivatives, can be quite intimidating for patients, causing them to expect some rare
by Dr. Z Aleksic
4 min read
Are Women’s eyes from Venus and Men’s from Mars?
There are several eye conditions which are more common in women than they are in men, including cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration an
by Dr. Z Aleksic
4 min read
Focusing on Floaters
Okay, so it’s been a few weeks and you’ve noticed that those little spots in your vision haven’t gone away. You might even start to...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
4 min read
Laser Eye Surgery, Alcohol and Makeup: an Unfavourable Cocktail
When I say the “S” word, most of my patients flinch and are left with a facial expression of utter horror. This, however, is not the...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
Ask an Eye Doctor: COVID-19 and the eye
As the year of COVID-19 has brought a myriad of changes to the world, our lives have changed considerably as we adjust to the “new...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
Opening Your Eyes to Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
What is AMD? Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a cumbersome word which often strikes my patients with fear, but there need not be...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
To LASIK or not to LASIK? That is the question.
Is your poor vision affecting the quality of your life? Is your vision a hindrance to many daily tasks? If you answered yes to these...
by Dr. Z Aleksic
3 min read
10 Things You Did Not Know about Cataract Surgery
Cataracts might be the most common cause of poor vision today, but here are 10 things you probably did not know about this common...
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